Grant funds for Clairton Municipal Authority have been exhausted and the program is now closed.

The Clairton Municipal Authority Hardship Program, which is funded by the Clairton Municipal Authority and the City of Clairton, and administered by Dollar Energy Fund, assists eligible Clairton Municipal Authority customers who are in threat of termination or who have had their water service disconnected as a result of non-payment of their sewage bills. Customers may be eligible to receive a grant that’s applied directly to their utility bill. Our program is a fund of last resort because it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Program Dates

Open from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, for service that is off or in threat of termination.

Grants are dispersed on a first come, first serve basis to eligible applicants while funding is available.

Sincere Effort of Payment

Applicants must have paid at least $100 on their account in the past three months.

Exceptions may be made in cases of extreme hardships.

Balance Requirement

Applicants must have an outstanding balance on their utility bill of at least $100.

Maximum Grant

The maximum grant amount an applicant may receive is $200.

Applicants can only receive one grant every 12 months.

Grant awards are based on need and each family’s circumstances are different. Grant amounts are determined on a case-to-case basis.

If a customer’s utility service is off or in threat of termination when they apply and the maximum grant amount will not restore service or stop termination, the application will be denied. The amount needed to restore service or stop a termination is determined by utility review. Notification will be sent to the customer advising them that their application was denied and that an additional payment is required in order to be considered for assistance.

Additional Guidelines

Account must be residential, single home or apartment. No “cooking only,” commercial, industrial, or apartments with shared utility service. The household is not eligible if it has a shared meter.

Name on account must be that of an adult who is currently living in the household.

Dollar Energy Fund grants cannot be used to cover security deposits or reconnection fees.

Income Guidelines

Total gross household income must be at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Household Size150% Monthly150% Yearly
Each add’l add$673$8,070

The Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority has partnered with Dollar Energy Fund to administer a Hardship Program to assist customers having difficulty paying their water bill. The PWSA Hardship Program provides assistance grants that are applied directly to a limited-income household’s utility bill. Eligible applicants can receive a grant once every 12 months. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Program Dates

Open from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, eligible applicants regardless of service status.

Grants are dispersed on a first come, first serve basis to eligible applicants while funding is available.

Balance Requirement

Applicants must have an outstanding balance on their utility bill of at least $1.

Maximum Grant

The maximum grant amount an applicant may receive is $450. Customers can receive up to $450 each towards water and wastewater charges. 

Applicants can only receive a grant once every 12 months.

Grant awards are based on need and each family’s circumstances are different. Grant amounts are determined on a case-to-case basis.

If a customer’s utility service is off or in threat of termination when they apply and the maximum grant amount will not restore service or stop termination, the application will be denied. The amount needed to restore service or stop a termination is determined by utility review. Notification will be sent to the customer advising them that their application was denied and that an additional payment is required in order to be considered for assistance.

Additional Guidelines

Account must be residential, single home or apartment. No commercial, industrial, or apartments with shared utility service.

Name on account must be that of an adult who is currently living in the home.

Dollar Energy Fund grants cannot be used to cover security deposits or reconnection fees.

Income Guidelines

Total gross household income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Household Size200% Monthly200% Yearly
Each add’l add$897$10,760

Application Attachments

A copy of your most recent PWSA bill with proof of minimum payment must be attached to all applications.

Total gross monthly income for all members living in the household.

The West View Water Authority Hardship Program, which is administered by Dollar Energy Fund, assists eligible utility customers with their West View Water Authority bills. Customers may receive a one-time grant applied directly to their utility bill. Our program is a fund of last resort because it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Program Dates

Open from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, to all eligible applicants regardless of service status.

Grants are dispersed on a first come, first serve basis to eligible applicants while funding is available.

Balance Requirement

Applicants must have an outstanding balance on their utility bill of at least $100.

Senior Citizens, age 62 and over, must have an outstanding balance of at least $50.

Maximum Grant

The maximum grant amount an applicant may receive is $200.

Applicants can only receive a grant once every six months.

Grant awards are based on need and each family’s circumstances are different. Grant amounts are determined on a case-to-case basis.

If a customer’s utility service is off or in threat of termination when they apply and the maximum grant amount will not restore service or stop termination, the application will be denied. The amount needed to restore service or stop a termination is determined by utility review. Notification will be sent to the customer advising them that their application was denied and that an additional payment is required in order to be considered for assistance.

Additional Guidelines

All applicants must provide verification of income.

Income-eligible clients must apply for all federally-funded programs when those programs are open.

Account must be residential, single home or apartment. No “cooking only,” commercial, industrial, or apartments with shared utility service.

Name on account must be that of an adult who is currently living in the home.

Dollar Energy Fund grants cannot be used to cover security deposits or reconnection fees

Income Guidelines

Total gross household income must be at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Household Size300% Monthly300% Yearly
Each add’l add$1,345$16,140

The Lehigh County Authority Hardship Program, which is administered by Dollar Energy Fund, assists eligible utility customers with their water and sewer bills. Customers may be eligible to receive a grant that is applied directly to their bill. Our program is a fund of last resort because it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Program Dates

Open from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, for services that are off or in threat of termination.

Grants are dispersed on a first come, first serve basis to eligible applicants while funding is available.

Sincere Effort of Payment

Applicants must have paid at least $100 on their account in the past four months.

Balance Requirement

Applicants must have an outstanding balance on their bill of at least $200.

Maximum Grant

The maximum grant amount an applicant may receive is $400.

Applicants can only receive a grant, per program year. (10/1/2024 – 9/30/2025)

Grant awards are based on need and each family’s circumstances are different. Grant amounts are determined on a case-to-case basis.

If a customer’s utility service is off or in threat of termination when they apply and the maximum grant amount will not restore service or stop termination, the application will be denied. The amount needed to restore service or stop a termination is determined by utility review. Notification will be sent to the customer advising them that their application was denied and that an additional payment is required in order to be considered for assistance.

Additional Guidelines

Name on account must be that of an adult who is currently living in the home.

Account must be residential, single home or apartment. No “cooking only,” commercial, industrial, or apartments with shared utility service.

All applicants must provide verification of income.

Income-eligible clients must apply for all federally-funded programs when those programs are open.

Dollar Energy Fund grants cannot be used to cover security deposits or reconnection fees.

Income Guidelines

Total gross household income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Household Size200% Monthly200% Yearly
Each add’l add$897$10,760

The Aqua Customer Assistance Program (CAP) is a discount program designed to provide monthly financial assistance for residential water and/or wastewater customers. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be a residential water and/or wastewater customer of Aqua.

Once enrolled customer must recertify eligibility for the program based on established guidelines.

Program Benefits and Income Eligibility

Use our Income Calculator to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program. Household income should be calculated using the before tax amount for all household members, excluding minors.

 At or Below 100% FPIG101% – 150% FPIG151% – 200% FPIG
Fixed Base Facility Customer Charge100% discount100% discount100% discount
Consumption Charge (first 2,000 gallons)100% discount50% discount0% discount
 At or Below 100% FPIG101% – 150% FPIG151% – 200% FPIG
Fixed Base Facility Customer Charge75% discount65% discount50% discount
Consumption Charge (first 2,000 gallons)100% discount50% discount0% discount

The Illinois American Water Income-Based Discount Program is a program designed to provide utility assistance for residential water and/or wastewater customers. Program guidelines and eligibility requirements are subject to change.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be a residential customer of Illinois American Water.

Total gross household income must be at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Household Size150% Monthly150% Yearly
Each add’l add$673$8,070

Once enrolled, customers will be required to recertify their household member and income information on an annual basis to remain enrolled in the program.

Applicants are required to provide proof of income.

Program Benefit

Eligible applicants receive a 70% discount on their monthly volumetric usage.

Chương trình Cal Water Cares Hardship (Chương trình Hỗ trợ Người gặp khó khăn của Cal Water) do Dollar Energy Fund quản lý hỗ trợ các khách hàng sử dụng tiện ích đủ điều kiện trong việc chi trả các hóa đơn với Công ty California Water Service Company. Các khách hàng có thể đủ điều kiện để nhận khoản trợ cấp một lần được áp dụng trực tiếp vào hóa đơn tiện ích của họ. Các hướng dẫn của chương trình và yêu cầu về tính đủ điều kiện có thể thay đổi.

Mốc quan trọng của Chương trình

Nhận đơn từ ngày 1 tháng 10 năm 2024 đến hết 30 tháng 9 năm 2025, cho các dịch vụđã ngừng hoạt động hoặc đang có nguy cơ bị ngừng cung cấp.

Các khoản trợ cấp được phân bổ trên cơ sở ai xin trước được nhận trước khi vẫn còn nguồn kinh phí.

Nỗ lực Thanh toán Đáng kể

Người nộp đơn buộc phải đã thanh toán $75 trên tài khoản Cal Water trong ba tháng trước khi nộp đơn xin trợ cấp.

Cư dân cao tuổi, từ 62 tuổi trở lên, buộc phải đã thanh toán $50 trên tài khoản của mình trong ba tháng trước khi nộp đơn xin trợ cấp.

Các cam kết được thực hiện thay mặt cho người nộp đơn và những khoản trợ cấp khác không được tính là nỗ lực thanh toán đáng kể. Có thể áp dụng ngoại lệ đối với các trường hợp cực kỳ khó khăn.

Yêu cầu về Số dư

Người nộp đơn phải có số dư trên hóa đơn Cal Water tối thiểu là $100.

Khoản Trợ cấp Tối đa

Khoản tiền trợ cấp tối đa mà một người nộp đơn có thể nhận là $200.

Người nộp đơn chỉ có thể nhận một khoản trợ cấp cho mỗi tiện ích trong mỗi năm chương trình. (10/1/2024 – 9/30/2025)

Trợ cấp sẽ được trao dựa trên nhu cầu và hoàn cảnh của từng gia đình là khác nhau. Giá trị khoản trợ cấp sẽ được xác định trong từng trường hợp cụ thể.

Nếu dịch vụ tiện ích của khách hàng đã bị ngừng cung cấp hoặc đang có nguy cơ bị chấm dứt khi họ xin trợ cấp và khoản tiền trợ cấp tối đa không đủ để khôi phục dịch vụ hoặc ngăn chặn việc chấm dứt dịch vụ, đơn xin trợ cấp sẽ bị từ chối. Khoản tiền cần thiết để khôi phục dịch vụ hoặc ngăn chặn việc chấm dứt dịch vụ sẽ đơn vị cung cấp tiện ích xem xét và xác định. Khách hàng sẽ nhận được thông báo cho biết đơn xin trợ cấp của họ đã bị từ chối và họ cần thanh toán thêm một khoản để được xem xét hỗ trợ.

Hướng dẫn khác

Tất cả người nộp đơn phải cung cấp tài liệu xác minh thu nhập.

Các khách hàng đủ điều kiện về thu nhập phải đăng ký tham gia tất cả các chương trình được liên bang tài trợ khi những chương trình đó mở nhận đơn.

Tài khoản phải là tài khoản tiện ích cho nhà ở, nhà riêng lẻ hoặc căn hộ Không áp dụng với các tài khoản dịch vụ cho các cơ sở “chỉ nấu nướng”, cơ sở thương mại, công nghiệp hoặc các căn hộ dùng chung dịch vụ tiện ích.

Tên trên tài khoản phải là tên của người trưởng thành hiện đang sống trong gia đình.

Không được sử dụng các khoản trợ cấp từ Dollar Energy Fund để trang trải khoản đặt cọc ký quỹ hoặc phí kết nối lại.

Hướng dẫn về Thu nhập

Total gross household income must be at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Use our Income Calculator, or the chart below, to find out if your gross (before tax) income is within the range of eligibility for the program.

Tổng cộng thu nhập trước thuế của hộ gia đình phải bằng hoặc thấp hơn 200% mức trong Hướng dẫn Thu nhập Nghèo Liên bang. Sử dụng Bảng tính Thu nhập của chúng tôi, hoặc biểu đồ bên dưới để xác định xem thu nhập tổng (trước thuế) của quý vị có nằm trong ngưỡng đủ điều kiện tham gia chương trình không.

Quy mô hộ gia đình200% hàng tháng200% hàng năm
Mỗi người lớn thêm$897$10,760