October 1st, 2019
Dollar Energy Fund’s Hardship Program, a utility assistance program providing grants for limited-income households, opened its 2019-2020 program year on Tuesday, October 1, 2019, and is accepting applications from customers in need of help with their gas, water, electric and sewer bills.
Dollar Energy Fund provides one-time grants to households facing an immediate utility crisis. With help from the program, families in need can receive up to $500 in grant funding that’s applied directly to their utility account to prevent a termination or to restore their service. Households may be eligible to receive one grant for each of their utilities per program year. This program is a fund of last resort, as it goes above and beyond what is available through federal, state and other programs.
“A grant from our Hardship Program allows many of our neighbors in need to maintain or restore basic and safe utility service,” said Chad Quinn, Dollar Energy Fund’s Chief Executive Officer. “As we enter into the start of our program year, our goal is to be a resource for the individuals, senior citizens and families who are struggling to afford the costs of their utility bills. The availability of assistance is especially important as we get closer to the winter heating season because it provides a way for families, many of whom have children, to stay warm in their homes during the coldest months.”
Grant funding applications are currently being accepted for customers of the following utilities:
California Water Service Company
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
South Central Connecticut Regional Water Authority
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Kentucky American Water
Columbia Gas of Maryland
Maryland American Water
Citizens’ Electric Company
Clairton Municipal Authority
Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania
Duquesne Light Company
Met-Ed, a FirstEnergy Company
Penelec, a FirstEnergy Company
Penn Power, a FirstEnergy Company
Pennsylvania American Water
Peoples Natural Gas
Peoples Gas Company, LLC (formerly Peoples TWP)
Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority
Valley Energy
Wellsboro Electric
West Penn Power, a FirstEnergy Company
West View Water Authority
Columbia Gas of Virginia
Old Dominion Power Company
Virginia American Water Company, Inc.
West Virginia:
Dominion Energy West Virginia
Mon Power, a FirstEnergy Company
Mountaineer Gas
Peoples Gas
Potomac Edison, a FirstEnergy Company
West Virginia American Water
On November 1, 2019, assistance programs will open for customers of Indiana Michigan Power in Indiana. On December 2, 2019, assistance programs will open for customers of AEP Ohio, Appalachian Power Company in West Virginia and Virginia, and Kingsport Power Company in Tennessee.
Applications for most programs will continue to be accepted on a first come, first served basis through September 30, 2020, or until funds are depleted. Those seeking help should first contact their utility company for eligibility screening and to be referred to a community based agency for assistance with Dollar Energy Fund’s application process. This approach connects households with additional services that may also be available to limited-income households, such as food, childcare and career assistance.
Eligibility guidelines vary by utility. Full eligibility guidelines and application instructions can be found at www.dollarenergy.org/need-help.
Dollar Energy Fund is a national leader in utility assistance. Since 1983, Dollar Energy Fund’s hardship grants have helped more than 562,000 families maintain or restore safe utility services.
Dollar Energy Fund is funded by public contributions that are matched dollar for dollar by partnering utility companies. Utility customers are also able to contribute a dollar or more to Dollar Energy Fund through their monthly utility bill. Direct donations can be made online at www.dollarenergy.org/donate or by sending a check to Box 42329, Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Every donation to Dollar Energy Fund’s Hardship Program is tax deductible and additional support from the utility companies allows for 100 percent of all donations and matching funds to be used as assistance grants to help households in need.
For more information about Dollar Energy Fund and how to apply for a grant from the Hardship Program, or to make a donation to the organization, visit www.dollarenergy.org.
About Dollar Energy Fund, Inc.
Dollar Energy fund was founded in 1983 and has grown to become the largest hardship fund in Pennsylvania and one of the largest programs of its kind in the United States. Dollar Energy Fund is a 501 (c) 3 organization in the state of Pennsylvania. Since 1983, the organization has provided $155 million in utility assistance grants to more than 562,000 limited-income families and individuals. The organization also assists limited-income households in West Virginia, Ohio, Virginia, Tennessee, Maryland, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky, California, Connecticut and Indiana. Individuals interested in contributing to Dollar Energy Fund can do so through their utility bills, by sending donations directly to Box 42329, Pittsburgh, PA 15203 or through the organization’s website. Additional information can be found on Dollar Energy Fund’s website, www.dollarenergy.org.
Your contribution directly supports an individual or family facing a utility crisis.
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